Interior Design is a profession that can be severely underrated. The skills possessed by an experienced Interior Designer consist of design innovation, expansive product knowledge, drafting (CAD) proficiency, relevant cost association and strong construction knowledge. On top of this, the ability to successfully understand clients and keep up with their requests, while liaising back and forth between builders and trades, deserves much respect.
So how does one benefit from engaging with a reputable Interior Designer? Here are just a few of many reasons to hire an Interior Designer…
An Interior Designer Sees The Big Picture
Most clients become quickly overwhelmed by the abundance of online information, pretty pictures and ever-changing industry trends. A good ID will obtain a thorough brief from their client. They will listen to what the functional needs are of the client as well as the personal style of the client.
They will take into consideration the entire home and its surroundings and pull all spaces together in harmony, so that there is cohesion throughout the home, inside and out. An ID will ensure each room flows smoothly into the next while serving its individual purpose and expressing the room’s personality. An ID will help amalgamate client ideas into a workable and lovable concept.
Designers Provide Experienced Solutions
Sometimes the client vision is limited in imagination or restricted by what they can only see in front of them in the present moment. An ID can apply their years of experience to provide creative solutions for their clients. From awkward corners to pokey areas or presented with an unworkable layout, an ID can be very savvy with how to get the most out of these scenarios and will likely surprise you with the solution they come up with! If Designers had a dollar for every time we heard, “I never would have thought of that!”
Having an ID involved early in the project could mean the client saves a lot of money on unnecessary structural works because they’ve been able to find a workable solution in the existing space. This also means you can allocate more of your budget to more preferred parts of the project like fancy cushions, sexy appliances, or comfy furniture!
Expansive Knowledge
Knowing what products are available, how much they cost, where you get them from and what their functions are, is a full-time job due to the copious amounts of options on the market. Tapware, tiles, homewares, flooring, soft furnishings, paint colours and so much more. A successful ID will have established networks and maintained solid relationships with local, national and international suppliers, ensuring the client has everything they need to make the right choice for them. Many ID professionals have negotiated pricing with wholesalers and can offer their client subsidised pricing. An ID often attends industry events and educational sessions to learn more about product releases, and their installation considerations. This means they are up to date with the latest innovations and can confidently recommend the right fit for their client.
In addition to this, an experienced ID will have networked with various builders and trades to better understand the construction detail required to achieve a variety of design outcomes, which in turn results in higher quality execution for their client.
Seldom does a homeowner regret the decision to engage an experienced Interior Designer. Most don’t comprehend the extent of work required in a renovation project, nor do they appreciate the impact a well-considered interior can have on its occupants.